Monday, March 22, 2010

Honoring Your Parents

Not since I became a parent has that verse become so important. I feel like I slighted my parents because I didn't "get it" when I was younger. I have parents that have been very easy to respect. Not that I always did it, but they have always deserved it.
As I posted in the first post, my husband and I come from VERY different backgrounds. Mine, really it should have been too easy to honor my parents. His, he still struggles. He doesn't doubt that his parents loved him. They said it and he believed it. The choices they have made with their lives, and his life, have made it hard for him to HONOR them. The dictionary describes honor as "to hold in respect". Respecting someone that you have always completely disagreed with their lifestyle has been a challenge for him, but he, with the Lord's help is able to do it now. He looks beyond himself and sees this as a direct command from God to do and after getting past a lot of bitterness he not only loves his parents now, but honors them. The older two kids have divorced parents, as my husband does. He and I want so much for them to respect and honor all their parents because they are following God, not because their parents have done something to deserve it. Bitterness over what happened to them as children, by choices they did not make will only make their life hard. People, even parents, will fail you. God won't and by obeying, honoring and respecting His commandments your life will go well for you.
Ephesians 6:1-3 says to obey and honor your mother and father. That's not all. It comes with a promise, that it will go well with you. As a mother, I NOW get it. When my kids disobey or treat their parents disrespectfully things don't go well for them. They are disciplined. I don't think that God set an age limit on honoring and respecting parents. It doesn't end when you turn 18. If I am honoring my parents it will go well with me. Even at, ahem, 36 years old.
This is something that as I see my parents grow in age, they need respect even more. They are wiser, more experienced and still need that from me as their child. If I don't, there is no point in teaching my children this commandment because they will most likely follow my example and blow it off.
How do you teach your childrent To respect their parents?

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